Dragon Medical One + Neurology
Great documentation comes in small practices

Speech Recognition with Real Brainpower
Dragon® Medical One is the next generation of speech recognition technology, allowing Neurologists to record every component of the neurological examination.
Assessment of the patient’s cognitive function, cranial nerves, motor strength, sensation, and reflexes can all be dictated and transcribed with accuracy and speed using Dragon Medical software. There is no disorder, procedure, or terminology too complex for the intuitive capabilities of Dragon Medical technology. Now you can create research notes and patient records for common conditions like headaches, stroke, dementia, and seizures, or more complex subspecialties like brain injury, clinical neurophysiology, and neuromuscular disabilities. With Dragon Medical One, Neurologists can speak in their own words to create clinical documentation, communicate with referring physicians, establish a more efficient workflow, and enjoy a more profitable practice. Just imagine the time you will save by eliminating the frustration of repetitive mouse clicks and typing.

From the physical to the neurological exam, Dragon Medical One empowers Neurologists by helping to streamline their workflow, allowing for more accurate and complete patient record documentation in less time, and even lessening the EMR documentation time penalty that all EMRs impose on the documenting provider.

Dragon Medical One
With over 90 specialty and subspecialty vocabularies that cover over 50,000 medical terms, Dragon Medical One offers Neurologists a new level of speech recognition support.
With a faster engine and expanded Neurology vocabularies, you can create speech-to-text documents three times faster than typing, with more than 99 percent accuracy, even on the first use. Dragon Medical One helps Neurologists become more efficient in their practice, fulfill stage 2 Meaningful Use criteria within their EHR, and achieve higher reimbursement levels more quickly. Make an investment in your practice that delivers a real ROI.